How to find part-time Jobs in London ?

17th Aug 2021
Looking for part-time work in the UK or London area? This article will help you to find work. Part-time jobs in the UK and particularly in London are relatively easy to locate if you know where to look if you only need a job with a limited number of hours. If you need a job to fit around school or other commitments, try some of these tips.
Check the newspaper
Look for listings in local newspapers to find full or part-time jobs in London. Smaller businesses or local retail outlets will routinely advertise for staff in their local publications as it is more affordable than placing ads online or in national newspapers. Find part-time jobs in London and apply directly.
Search for London jobs locally
Check for part-time London jobs in places like local supermarkets or post offices. Sometimes jobs are advertised on the noticeboards of smaller shops or offices under the ‘help wanted’ section. Check the cards for London jobs and apply for the position.
Network through your contacts
Use your contacts, social media contacts, and friends to get the word out that you are searching for a job in London. One of your connections’ contacts or relatives may own a company that needs staff. Word of mouth is a powerful sales tool so use it to your advantage. You never know who knows a business owner or a manager that needs help so leverage your contacts to uncover new job opportunities.
Check company websites
You can find full or part jobs in UK by searching the companies that have an online presence to advertise their business and display services. The career pages of company websites is a great place to start your London job search. UK Job Vacancies are frequently advertised on company pages and you may even be able to contact the hiring manager directly.
Think about volunteering
If you want a part-time job in London at a specific company one way to get your foot in the door is by volunteering. Offering your service for free is a way for you to demonstrate your skills and abilities to a potential employer. Volunteering can often lead to a job placement so it is worth considering while searching for a job in London. Search for volunteer opportunities on job search sites.
Use a job search site
Find a job search site that features part-time jobs in London and check the job listings daily. To make life easier you can set up job alerts to search for London jobs for you and send you an email with the latest job opportunities. Or upload your CV to the online portal and describe the work you are seeking. Employers can search and find your CV when they are looking for people to hire and contact you using your information.
Job search on classified sites
Buy and sell sites like Gumtree or Craigslist often have a section for job ads. Search for jobs in London and apply directly to any part-time listings that you find. There are lots of these types of sites online so it’s worth checking a few for job opportunities, it can often turn up some hidden gems that you can apply for.
Use social media channels
Social media sites like Facebook now feature their own job section. Look for jobs in London via their search and see what opportunities await. You can also use social media to browse the pages of companies that you want to work for. Follow the companies and they may occasionally post their job ads to their social media page, giving you first access.
Register with an agency
Many recruitment agencies deal with part-time or temporary employment. They often have standing agreements to supply staff on a part-time basis to London companies. They know who is hiring and frequently know what staffing needs are for local businesses. Register with an agency to help you find part-time work in London.
There are multiple options available when it comes to finding jobs in London and many organisations need to hire staff on a part-time basis. Whether skilled or unskilled a range of opportunities can be found with a bit of effort. The suggestions in this article will help you to search for London jobs and find a part-time opportunity that works for you.